Friday, January 05, 2007

Life the most beautiful thing shows its facets that is difficult to decipher. I am going through something similar. Difficult it is becoming for me to tie the ends of the threads which holds my life. Might be it is illusion that the threads I am holding are the ones which holds my life but then who knows .... atleast not I.

Years have gone past and never ever did I gave thought to it so seriously but then why today is a question which comes to my mind. Have I changed from what I was or what I wanted to be. Lost long lost are the dreams which I wove and for which I was living. This again is my supposition.


Suppostions!! illusions!!

Wondering am I have I ever lived a real life..... for that matter anybody has ever lived ?

Let me ponder and find the answers ..... someday I will..... someone would be there to show me my way, reach will I to destiny I have been destined to


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